
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Life Lately.

It has been four months with my less stressful job.  And I have had three monthly visits - the most frequent that I had since four years ago.  There was a moment of normality with my monthly cycle after I gave birth to my little boy but things went back to abnormal mode because of stressful work. Now, I am normal again!

Sorry, too much information above.

But yes, I am slowly realizing that my hypothesis is correct... that there is a certain level of stress that the body can sustain.  The mind may be strong but the body has its limits.

And how can stress be just right?

I spend 8-10 hours of intense focus at the office.  I run from one 30-minute meeting to another, take lunch on my desk, write business cases and ideas papers, and troubleshoot issues.

And then everything stops.  Just when I have had it.

Next, I get a life.

I help my son with his homework.

We play trains after.

We sometimes go out and have fun on a Friday.

Saturdays and Sundays are spent with more energy.  I do day sleep less.  And my outlook has become more positive... far more positive.

The Lord has finally called me to slow down.  And slow down I did.

I do not know how long this will last.  I hope it does for a while.

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