
Sunday, August 9, 2015

Open Spaces.

I recently went on a trip to London. I {heart} London. I think it is one of the amazing cities in the world, if not the most. With so much history and character, a first timer will always be in awe. Actually, I have been there twice yet I was still in awe.

London has a lot of parks and open spaces. They do not run out of greens. And this is one of the things that I appreciate in this city a lot.

On a sunny day, you will find everyone out enjoying the sun and the grass. They spend a lot of time in the park but make sure that they keep it clean.

During my visit, I tried it for myself. Walked to St. James's Park. Grabbed my coke and phone. Sat on the grass. Watched the passersby and relaxed. It was nice and peaceful.

How I wish we have the same here in Metro Manila. The only one I know is UP. We have Luneta but is it still as grassy and clean? It's been years since I last visited.

I saw High Street yesterday. I think it is the next best thing. And while it's a compromise between concrete and grass, I am happy that most of the time people were allowed to step on the grass.

I have seen parks with cordoned grasses. It's such a shame.

High Street greens welcome everyone... even the pets.

I still think Metro Manila could do better parks with less structures and retail area. But this is fine for now... somewhere where AC can practice walking.

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