
Saturday, April 9, 2011

One Month.

As of writing, hubby is on his way to Boston.  He will be on the other side of the earth for about a month -- longest time we were apart after we got married.

While I am terribly sad that we had to be apart, I am somehow looking forward to the 'short' break.  I have one less boy to think about so that would mean a little more time for me.

The things to do are popping into my mind one by one... I need to organize everything asap.  Here they are in random order --

1. Bond with my son who ADORES my hubby to the brim.

2. Little renovations to our new place.  I need to catch my contractor.  She is currently unreachable.

3. Meet up with my girlfriends.  It has been months.

4. Read my book backlogs.

5. Swim in the clubhouse pool (with my little boy, of course).

The more things I do, the faster the month will go by.  I can't think of anything else... can someone help me?

Please let it be May soon.